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Using Open Shifts (old rota view)

A look at Open Shifts and where they're located on the rota

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated this week

Open Shifts are shifts that have not been assigned to a specific employee. 

The top row of the rota is always reserved for Open Shifts. You can create Open Shifts by clicking in the relevant blank cell, as you would with a normal shift.

You can also drag and drop an existing shift into the Open Shifts row at the top of the rota to make it an Open Shift.

Open Shifts can be claimed by any employee that has the same Role assigned in their profile that is attached to the shift itself.

They cannot be claimed by an employee that doesn’t have the respective Role, isn’t assigned to work at the Location the shift is scheduled on, or is already on shift.

Admins and Managers with the ‘Create and edit rotas for locations they manage’ permission cannot claim Open Shifts. Instead, they should re-assign existing shifts to themselves if needed by dragging the shift onto their row of the rota.

Staff can choose to be notified when Open Shifts are available. They can also enable reminders if shifts are still available after a few days. Reminders will be sent out automatically once a week (on the day your rota page week starts on), and will contain all Open Shifts that are still available to employees for the next coming 7 days.

You can also set up to receive notifications for when your employees have successfully claimed an Open Shift.

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