There are many different reports in RotaCloud which can be used to pull and download data up to a full year at a time.
Hours & Costs reports
Daily Totals | Each day listed with shifts, hours, and costs broken down for each Location, Role, and totals |
Monthly Totals | Each month listed with shifts, hours, and costs broken down for each Location, Role, and totals |
Employee Totals | Each employee listed with all their shifts and shift details below. |
Location Totals | Each Location listed showing how many employees, shifts, and hours are scheduled, and the costs |
Role Totals | Each Role listed showing how many employees, shifts, and hours are scheduled, and the costs |
Coverage | Shows the number of staff working and the costs broken down into 15 minute intervals on a specified day. Also broken down by Locations and Roles |
Working Time Directive | Compares each employee's average worked hours over the selected date range against your specified number of hours. (Filters at the top of the page need to be set up for your specified date, weeks prior to that date, and number of weekly hours) |
Time Off & Cover reports
Leave Totals | Each employee listed with a summary of their leave details for the specified date range below* |
Leave by Employee | Each employee listed with details of each of their leave entries for the specified date range below* |
Unavailability & Swaps | Shows a summary and breakdown of the shift drop and shift swap requests for each employee in the selected date range |
Bradford Factor | Shows each employee's Bradford Factor over the selected date range.
The Bradford Factor is used in human resource management as a means of measuring worker absenteeism. The score is higher when an employee's absences are more disruptive. This report uses Authorised Absence, Unauthorised Absence, and Sickness. |
*Leave Totals and Leave by Employee default to show only paid leave. To see both paid and unpaid leave, filter at the top of the page will need to be changed.
Time & Attendance reports
Who's In | Each employee who has a shift that day is listed marking who is currently clocked in, who hasn't started yet, who has missed their clock in, and who's currently clocked a break |
Scheduled vs. Actual | Compares rota hours and costs against timesheet hours and costs for each employee over your selected date range |
Lateness | Each employee who has shifts during the date range is listed showing how many shifts they had and how many they were late for - you can control what the report flags as being late in account settings under 'Minutes Until Lateness Added Automatically' |
Overtime | Each employee is listed showing how much they are under or over their weekly contracted hours (as dictated by their profile) |
Attendance Patterns | Each employee listed showing their lateness and absence by day of the week |
These reports are only available with the Time and Attendance package.
Shifts reports
Employees Per Role | Each employee is listed with their number of shifts in total, and the number of shifts per role and per day of your selected date range |
Shift Acknowledgement | Each employee is listed showing how many of their shifts have been acknowledged over your selected date range |
Unclaimed Open Shifts | Each Location is listed with a details of each unclaimed Open Shift below* |
Shifts Claimed by Employee | Each employee is listed showing the number of Open Shifts they've claimed |
*Only shifts for past dates will show.
Custom reports
Unfortunately, we're not able to build custom reports. However, there are a small number of custom reports that can be added to your account upon request. If you're looking for a report which is not listed above, please reach out to our team via live chat or at so see if we have a custom report that will help.