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How do I filter my reports?

How to filter down reports to find more accurate data

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 4 months ago

Many RotaCloud reports allow you to apply filters to help narrow down the data and find what you're looking for. These can be access by all Admin users and Managers with the relevant permissions.

Filtering by date

Many reports allow you to filter to custom dates up to a full year. If you have the option to do this, you will see a '[date] to [date]' at the top of of the page.

Simply click in each box and select the dates you'd like to see data between.

There are also a number of presets you can choose such as 'Today', 'Last week', 'Last 30 days' - these can be accessed via the dropdown in the top left.

Some reports may different date ranges such as the Bradford Factor - this allows you to select a custom date and then enter how many week prior to that date you'd like to view data for.

Filtering reports

On your Reports page, you will see many reports have options at the top of the page to filter down your data. The filters available will vary depending on the report you're viewing and multiple filters can be applied at once - to see what filters are available, look across the top of the page.

Filters you can apply include:

  • Date

  • Employees

  • Locations

  • Roles

  • Scheduled and/or Actual (if you have Time and Attendance)

  • Published and/or Unpublished

  • Totals Only

  • Leave type

  • Paid and/or Unpaid

To apply a filter simply click it. Some filters will then require you to tick the options you'd like such as Employees, Locations, and Roles.

Some filters will simply give you a dropdown to select what you'd like to see.

To learn about what reports are available and what data they provide, click here.

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