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How do I change my leave settings?

How to customise your leave settings

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

RotaCloud provides a full leave system as part of our standard package. With this, any Admin user can also customise leave settings making them work just how you need.

General leave settings

To access your leave settings, click the cog icon in the top right of your screen. You can then scroll down to the section titled 'Leave.

The below chart shows what settings can be toggled on/off and what each does:

Employees can make leave requests

Allows employees to submit Holiday and Other Leave requests. These will still need to approved by an admin or Manager user.

Prorate holiday allowances based on start date and final working date

Reduces an employee's default allowance if they have a start or end date that occurs within that leave year. For information about the exact calculation the system does, please reach out to our support team via live chat or at

Employees cannot request holiday or TOIL leave (where TOIL is enabled) that exceeds their corresponding allowance.

Stops users requesting leave if they don't have enough left in their allowance. This will always apply for employees who have their allowance in days and will apply for employees who have their allowance in hours if their allowance is zero or negative.

Employees can see each others holidays and public holidays on the rota and when viewing leave

Allows employees to see each others' approved holidays and public holidays on the rota before making their own leave request .

Public Holiday will be deducted from holiday allowances

Deducts any Public Holiday added from an employee's leave allowance in addition to deducting Holiday. (Public Holiday will still need to be manually added for users).

Allow employees to suggest hours when submitting leave requests

Allows employees to suggest how many hours they would like to take when leave is entered - this can be changed by the Admin/Manager approving the leave.

Changing your leave year

By default, your leave year in RotaCloud will run from 1st January to 31st December but you can change this if you like.

To do this, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen and scroll down to the section titled 'Leave'. Under 'Leave year starts' select the day and month you'd like your leave year to start on and it will automatically save showing a green confirmation message at the top of your screen after a few seconds.

Please be aware this is a global setting so applies across your whole account - unfortunately, it's not possible to have more than one leave year date.

Changing notice for leave requests

In your settings, you can change how far in advance users are able to make leave requests. If they try to make a request sooner than this, the system will stop them and show a message explaining why. As an Admin (or a manager with the relevant permissions), you will be able to override this and manually add any leave you need.

To change this setting, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen and scroll down to the section titled 'Leave'. Under the dropdown for 'Leave Request Minimum Notice', select the minimum amount of notice you would like staff to give when requesting leave - this can be anywhere from 'No minimum' to '99 days'.

Setting default paid status'

In your settings, you can control if you would like leave to be paid or unpaid by default when added. (You can always change the individual leave entry's paid status if you like).

To do this, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen and scroll down to the section titled 'Leave'. Under 'Set default leave paid status', click either paid or unpaid beside the relevant leave type and the changes will automatically save for you.

Enabling time off in lieu (TOIL)

Time off in lieu, or TOIL, compensates staff for working overtime by giving them additional leave as opposed to additional pay - it is typically used for staff who are paid a salary as opposed to paid hourly.

This can be enabled in your account settings. To do this, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your page and scroll down to the section titled 'Leave'. Under 'Time off in lieu (TOIL)', tick 'Allow employees to accrue TOIL.

To learn how to use the TOIL feature, click here.

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