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How do I use leave embargoes?

How to add leave embargoes to stop employees making leave requests

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 3 months ago

Leave embargoes allow you to stop some or all employees requesting leave for certain dates. This tool can help you ensure you'll have staff available to work across your busiest periods.

Who can add embargoes

Leave embargoes can be added by all Admin users and Managers with the relevant permissions. In order to add a leave embargo, a Manager needs to have the permission 'Manage leave embargoes' ticked and also be assigned to managed at lease one Location. They can then put leave embargoes in place for all employees assigned to work at the Locations they manage.

Adding an embargo

To add an embargo, go to the Leave tab and click the Tools at the top of the page. From the list, select 'Embargoes'.

On the next page, click the blue plus and you can then enter the start and end date of the embargo, a message which staff will see if they try to request leave over these dates, and which employees you'd like to apply the embargo to.

The dropdown will be set to 'All employees' but can be changed to 'Selected employees' - selecting this will bring up a list of employees. Once you've ticked the ones you'd like to apply the embargo to, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page and the embargo will be in place.

Removing an embargo

If you'd like to delete an embargo, go to the Leave tab and click the Tools at the top of the page. From the list, select 'Embargoes'.

You'll then see a list of your existing embargoes and can simply click the red 'X' beside the one you'd like to remove. This will lift the embargo for all users it applied to.

If you'd simply like to override the embargo and add leave which crosses into it for a user, this can be done by any Admin user or Manager (with the correct permissions) in the regular way leave is added.

To automate your request management, we also offer leave request rules on our Pro package. To learn more about this, click here.

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