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How do I report on leave?

How to run leave reports and download leave data

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

RotaCloud has a full leave management system as part of our standard package. In addition to this, you can run reports on your leave data and download it to a CSV file.

Running leave reports

Leave reports can be run by all Admin users and Managers who have the relevant permissions. To view leave reports, go to the Reports tab scroll down the menu on the left - under the heading 'Time Off & Cover', you can find your leave reports.

The leave reports available are:

  • Leave Totals
    This will list each employee and provide a breakdown of their leave over your chosen date range.

  • Leave by Employee
    This will list each employee and every leave record they have over you chosen date range.

Select the report you'd like to view. You can then use the filter at the top of the page to select a specific date range (up to one year), select users, leave types, and pay status.

The chart will give you a visual overview and you can scroll down to see the data written out.

If you'd like to download the data, simply click the downwards arrow icon in the top right - a CSV will automatically download with your filtered data.

Downloading leave data

The Leave page has some download options allowing you to see an overview of leave data. To access these, go to your Leave page and click the the downwards arrow icon in the top right.

You have the options to download the following:

  • Leave Records
    Downloads all leave records for each employee

  • Allowances
    Downloads each employees' allowance (including how much they have used and remaining) as well as their payroll ID and Group.

  • Request History
    Downloads a record of all leave requests including approved, denied, deleted, and expired. This will also show who actioned the request and when.

Select the option you'd like and a CSV containing the data will automatically download.

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