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How do I give other people management access?

How to create other Admins and Managers in RotaCloud giving people higher access to your account

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

RotaCloud has three different account types - Admins, Managers, and Employees. Admin and Manager users have higher access to the system with the ability to ad employees, edit rotas, approve leave etc..

Only Admin users are able to create new Admins and Managers.

Admins vs Managers

Admin and Managers users both have higher access to the system but are different types of accounts.

Admin users have full, unrestricted access to the account and all the data in it. They control things which Managers cannot such as setting affecting the entire account - billing, leave year etc.

Admins can also create new Locations and can make additional Admin and Manager users.

Manager account can be set up by Admin users. Admin can choose specific permissions they would like Managers to have and can choose specific Locations for them to oversee. For example, a Manager may be set up to edit the rotas and approve leave but not have permission to view wage and salary information.

Creating an Admin or Manager

To add a new Admin or Manager, click your Company tab and select 'Employees'. Click the blue plus icon to add a new user.

Enter the details of the employee - first name, last name and optional email address and default role. Once done, click 'Continue'.

You'll then be taken to an employee's profile. On the first page, under the 'Account Type' dropdown, select either Admin or Manager. If you select 'Admin', the user will have access to all data on the account. If you select 'Manager', you'll see a list of permissions appear on the right of your screen.

Tick the permissions you'd like the Manager to have. You can then scroll down to the 'Locations Managed' section.

Tick the Location(s) you'd like the Manager to oversee - the permissions you have given them will apply to all employees assigned to work at their 'Locations Managed'.

Once done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'.

To see a list of manager permissions and what each one does, click here.

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