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How do I add a Location?

Adding a new Location (rota) to your account

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

RotaCloud allows you to add as many Locations as you need at no extra cost. Each Location you create will be a separate rota and can have a manager assigned to oversee it.

Adding a Location

Locations can be created in RotaCloud by Admin users. To do this, go to your Company tab and select Locations. You'll then see a list of all your Locations - to create a new on, click the blue plus icon.

You can then give your Location a name and enter an address. If you also use RotaCloud's Time and Attendance package, you also can enter a clocking in radius or or IP address clocking in restriction.

Scroll down to and tick the employees you'd like to assign to the Location.

Once done, click 'Add' and your new Location will now appear on your Rotas page.

To watch a quick video showing you how to add a Location, click here.

To learn how to edit or delete a Location, click here.

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