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How do I upload a document?

Uploading a file via an employee's profile and the Documents page

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 3 weeks ago

RotaCloud's Pro package gives you access to our document storage tool. This allows you to upload documents in two different sections of your account - each employee's profile, and the Documents page.

Uploading a document to a profile

Uploading a document to an employee's profile means it will only be visible to Admins and Managers*. You will also have the option to share the document with the employee and require it to be signed by the employee.

To begin, click your Company tab and select Employees. Click on the employee you'd like to upload a document for. From the menu on the left, select 'Documents'.

Click the blue plus icon to upload a new document.

You'll then see a pop-up box - click 'Choose file' to browse your device and select the file you'd like to import (this will vary and look different depending on your device).

Once chosen, your file will show on the pop-up and you can choose if you would like to share it with the employee under the 'Visibility' section.

If you choose to share the file with the employee, you'll also have the option to require a signature for it. To learn more about this, click here.

After you've made your selection, click 'Upload' and your file will show in the employee's profile.

Uploading to the Documents page

Your Documents page will show you all documents uploaded to your own profile as well as all company documents. It is also where you can sign and acknowledge your documents, and see if documents are still pending singing or acknowledgement by other employees.

Uploading files to the Documents page means you can share them with multiple employees at once. To begin, click your Company tab and select 'Documents'. You'll then see a list of all documents and their status and can click the blue plus icon to upload a new one.

You'll then see a pop-up box - click 'Choose file' to browse your device and select the file you'd like to import (this will vary and look different depending on your device).

Once chosen, your file will show on the pop-up and you can choose if you would like to share it with your employees under the 'Visibility' section. Your file can be made private - so it's only accessed by yourself and other Admin users, public - so it can be viewed by all users on your account, and custom - which allows you to choose specific users to share the file with.

After you've made your selection, click 'Upload' and your file will be imported.

If you share the document with selected users, you can also enable document acknowledgement. To learn more about this, click here.

Files formats that can be imported

The following file formats can be imported into your Documents sections. Please be aware, only some of these can be used for signing and acknowledgement.

  • .csv

  • .doc

  • .docx

  • .eml

  • .gif

  • .jpeg

  • .jpg

  • .heic

  • .numbers

  • .ods

  • .odt

  • .ots

  • .pages

  • .pdf

  • .png

  • .ppt

  • .pptx

  • .rtf

  • .txt

  • .xls

  • .xlsx

  • .zip

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