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Work Schedule and Days Off

How to set up an employee’s working pattern, on a repeating, rolling, or ad-hoc basis

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

What is a Work Schedule?

The Work Schedule allows admins to set each employee's weekly 'days off', or non-working days. For example, if an employee never works on Tuesdays, you can set this on their profile and it will display accordingly on the rota each week.

These differ from holidays in that they are not deducted from someone’s annual leave allowance. They are instead their typical days off that may occur each week, such as a weekend.

Scheduled days off will appear in grey on the Rotas page.

What do non-working days do?

Non-working days are an easy way to remind rota planners what days to work around when assigning shifts to someone, owing to their different colour on the rota. Hovering your mouse over a non-working day will remind you that this is a day off for that employee:

A screenshot showing how a non-working day appears on the rota. The mouse is currently hovered over the day to show more information.

In addition to this, If an employee takes any Holiday that spans over their non-working days, these days will not be deducted from their Annual Leave allowance. For example, if an employee's days off are set as Saturday and Sunday, and they are on holiday for a full week, then only five days will be taken from their allowance, rather than seven.

Non-working days can also be used to help RotaCloud estimate salaried staff’s equivalent per-day cost on the rota, and are used when you want to automatically calculate staff’s overtime in a given pay period.

Note: Shifts can still be added to an employee’s rota on their non-working days, and employees can still claim Open Shifts on their non-working days.

Setting a Work Schedule

Same days off each week

To set an employee's repeating Work Schedule, head to the Employees page by clicking on ‘Company’ and then ‘Employees’. Click on an individual’s name to load their profile.

To the left of their profile, you’ll see a link to the ‘Work Schedule’ page. On this Work Schedule page, select the days of the week you wish to assign as a 'Day Off' and click 'Save'.

A screenshot of an employee's Work Schedule page in their employee profile. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are marked as working days, with the rest marked as non-working.

Different days off each week

If your employees do not have a set pattern for days off, you can select individual days off on the rota.

To do so, open the ‘Tools’ menu on the Rotas page and select ‘Add/Remove Days Off’. With this tool enabled, click on any day on the rota to mark it as a day off, or click on a day off to revert it to a working day.

A GIF of how to manually set non-working days, clicking 'Tools' above the rota, then using the 'Add/Remove Days Off' tool to mark days as non-working.

Once you're finished, click ‘Back to Rota Builder’ at the top of the rota to exit this mode and return to normal rota building.

Rolling rotas

If you have an employee with a rolling rota, or a working pattern that is shorter/longer than one week, you can use this second method along with the Copy Custom Range tool to create a pattern that can be used weeks and months in advance.

For example, if you have a 4-on, 4-off pattern, where days off will always fall on different days of the week, you can first create a single instance of this pattern by adding your four shifts, and then using the Add/Remove Days Off tool to add four non-working days.

Then, when using Copy Custom Range, select your 8-day date range and be sure to tick the box marked 'Include Days Off'. You can then paste it into as many weeks and months in advance as you require. The tool will duplicate the 4-on, 4-off pattern accordingly.

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