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What's in a weekly digest email?

What information is in a weekly digest email and who receives them

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 7 months ago

Weekly Digest emails give you a handy round up of information relevant for the coming week. This includes things such as birthdays, holidays, and new starters.

Who receives weekly digest emails

Weekly digest emails will only be sent out to Admin level users. In order for Admin to receive these, the setting needs to be enabled in the main settings section and they will need them enabled in their personal notifications section (see more below).

When are Weekly Digest emails sent

Weekly digest emails will be sent out every Monday morning giving you a roundup of information for the next seven days.

Enabling Weekly Digest emails

To receive weekly digest emails, you'll first need to enable them in your main account settings. To do this, click the cog icon in the top right of your screen to access settings then scroll to the bottom of the page. You can then tick the option 'Send weekly digest emails'.

Once this is done, each Admin can change their personal notification settings to include or exclude these emails.

To do this, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen and then select 'Notifications' from the menu on the left. Beside the option 'Weekly Digest', tick the 'Email' option.

Information in Weekly Digest emails

The weekly digest emails will contain information for birthdays, work anniversaries, new starters, leavers, and holidays coming up in the next seven days.

  • Birthdays
    This information is generated using the 'Date of Birth' section in each employee's profile.

  • Work anniversaries and new starters
    This information is generated using the 'Start Date' section in each employee's profile.

  • Leavers
    This information is generated using the 'Final Working Date' section in each employee's profile.

  • Holidays

    This information will be generated using the leave assigned to each user (this will only include holidays and not other types of leave.

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