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How do I control whose leave request goes to who?

Setting up your account to determine which Admins and Managers receive specific users' leave requests

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

In RotaCloud, you can use different account types, permissions, and locations to determine who's leave requests go to which user.

Account types and leave permissions

There are three types of account in RotaCloud, each of which gives different access levels and leave capabilities. The different accounts are:

  • Admin
    This gives full access to everything in the account including creating Locations, other Admins, changing global account settings, and billing. Admin users will receive notifications for and are able to action all leave requests for Manager and Employee level users.
    Admins cannot make leave requests, they simply add their own leave manually.

  • Manager
    These accounts can be set up with a various number of permissions including 'Manage leave and approve leave requests for others' and 'Manually add leave to themselves.
    If 'Manage leave and approve leave requests for others' is enabled, they will be able to approve leave for all users assigned to their 'Locations Managed'.
    If 'Manually add leave to themselves' is enabled, they won't need to have leave approved and can simply add their own without approval.

  • Employee
    Employees' leave will always require approval. Their requests will go to all Admin users and any Manager(s) who have the permission 'Manage leave and approve leave requests for others' and manage their Location.

Setting up Managers to receive requests

Managers can be set up to receive requests from all employees on a certain Location. To do this, go to the Company tab and select Employees. Next, select the user you'd like to give this access to.

(If they're not already a Manager, you can change the 'Account Type' dropdown to Manager). You'll see a list of 'Permissions' on the right of the user's account - tick 'Manage leave and approve leave requests for others'.

You also have the option to tick 'Manually add leave to themselves' if you would like them to add their own leave without approval - if unticked, their leave requests will be sent to an Admin user to approve.

Next, you'll need to choose which Location(s) the leave management permission refers to. Scroll down to the section 'Locations Managed' and tick the Locations you'd like. Once done, scroll down and click 'Save'.

The Manager can then action all leave requests and manually assign leave for employees assigned to work at the 'Locations Managed'.

To learn more about setting up Managers and permissions, click here.

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