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What can employees see and do?

What can employee's do in their RotaCloud account

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 months ago

Once you've invited your employees to join your RotaCloud account and they're all set up, there are a number of things that can do and actions they can perform - these vary depending on what you have set up in your account settings.

The below explains what employees can do in each section of your account - please be aware this depends on your settings enabled and package.


  • App
    On the app, the Dashboard tab will give an employee an overview of upcoming shifts, people on leave, open shifts, and their availability. If you use Time and Attendance, this is also where they'll clock in and out.

  • Desktop
    On desktop, the Dashboard will simply show the employee their shifts on a month layout.


  • App
    On the app, the Rotas tab will show staff a list of shifts for the day as well as open shifts and an option to view who's on leave. They can also navigate to the grid-view which will more closely resemble the desktop Rotas page.
    There is also a Shifts tab which will simply list their own upcoming shifts and leave in date order. These tabs are where staff can request shift swaps and drops (if enabled).

  • Desktop

    On desktop, the Rotas page will show staff their shifts, leave, total hours for the week/month etc.. It will look very similar to what you see as an Admin/Manager but employees won't be able to perform actions such as adding shifts, accessing Tools etc.. If enabled in your settings, they will be able to make requests for shift swaps and drops here.


  • App
    On the app, the Leave tab will show each employee their holiday allowance and remaining, TOIL allowance (if using), and list their leave for the whole year. They will only see this for themselves and not other users.

  • Desktop
    On desktop, each employee's leave page will look the same as it does for Admins/Managers but they will only see themselves listed rather than all staff. This is where they can make leave requests (if enabled) using the blue plus icon.

Timesheets (T&A)

  • App
    On the app, the timesheets tab shows the employee their clock in and out times for each day, holiday and days off. It also shows them how many hours they have scheduled and worked for the pay period.

  • Desktop
    On desktop, the timesheets page shows the employee their clock in and out times for each day, holiday and days off. It also shows them how many hours they have scheduled and worked for the pay period. It will look similar to the Attendance page you can see but they will only see data for themselves and can't perform actions.

Documents (Pro)

  • Desktop
    This is where staff can view any documents you have uploaded to their profile and can acknowledge or sign them.

This feature is not available in the RotaCloud app.


  • App
    On the app, Availability can be access using the app menu via the three lines in the top right. This allows staff to enter their preferred working hours and days. This will work the same way for Admin and Managers but employees can only add this in for themselves.

  • Desktop
    On desktop, the Availability page allows staff to enter their preferred working hours and days. This will work the same way for Admin and Managers but employees can only add this in for themselves.


  • App
    On the app, settings can be access via the three lines in the top right. Here, employees can set up a calendar feed, view/change their clock-in PIN, change their password, enable biometrics (for logging in), change their notification preferences, view their device history (and close sessions), and access their 2FA codes (if using).

  • Desktop
    On desktop, employees can use the Settings menu to change their name, email address, phone number, address and timezone, change their notifications, change their password and access 2FA settings (if using), and view/change their clock-in PIN.

To see how RotaCloud looks for employees or how they perform certain actions, you can access our employee help articles here.

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