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Using webhooks to send data from RotaCloud.

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Webhooks allows you to send real-time data from RotaCloud to other applications whenever a given event occurs.

With webhooks, information is passed to other web pages or applications as and when an event happens, contrary to a request-based API.

To set up a webhook in RotaCloud, head to Settings → API & Webhooks.

From here, click the blue plus button next to Webhooks to create a new webhook.

Then, choose your Object and Event from the drop down menu. The Object defines what you’d like to be notified on, and the Event sends a notification when a certain response has been made.

A list of the objects available are as follows:

  • user

  • location

  • role

  • shift

  • attendance

  • leave

  • leave_request

  • unavailability_request

With events, you have different options depending on your chosen object, these are listed below:

Events for ‘user’

  • created

  • updated

  • deleted

  • clocked_in

  • Clocked_out

Events for ‘location’

  • created

  • updated

  • Deleted

Events for ‘role’

  • created

  • updated

  • Deleted

Events for ‘shift’

  • created

  • updated

  • deleted

  • claimed

  • Acknowledged

Events for ‘attendance’

  • created

  • updated

  • Deleted

Events for ‘leave’

  • created

Events for ‘leave_request’

  • created

  • approved

  • Denied

Events for ‘unavailability_request’

  • created

  • approved

  • denied

Once done, enter the relevant URL and click Create.

Once created, you’ll see your new webhook listed.

You can delete your created webhook at any time by clicking on the red ‘x’.

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