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Manager permissions

Details of the access rights and permissions available to manager accounts

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Manager Permissions let you control what your managers can see and do on RotaCloud. You can see a list of available permissions by going to Company → Employees and clicking on a Manager's name.

Managers can only handle employees assigned to the locations they manage. Some of the above permissions follow other rules, outlined below.

Create and edit rotas for locations they manage

Allows a Manager to create, edit and delete Shifts on any rota for the following situations:

  • Any employee on a location they manage

  • Any employee that they have added to RotaCloud

  • Any employee on a temporary cover location they manage

Also allows a Manager to add or edit availability patterns for the same employees.

Approve or deny shift swaps and shift drops

Allows a Manager to receive Shift Swap and Shift Drop requests from staff at Locations they manage (via in-app notifications) and Approve/Deny these requests.

Manage leave and approve leave requests for others

Allows a Manager to receive Leave requests from staff at Locations they manage (via in-app notifications) and Approve/Deny their request. Managers add leave to any employee or manager on the locations they manage, except for themselves.

Manually add leave to themselves

Allows a Manager to immediately add their own Leave for themselves to the calendar. If disabled, the Manager can make a Leave Request which an Administrator must approve/deny.

Manage leave embargoes

Allows a Manager to create/edit/delete Leave embargoes. Only employees at Locations that they manage can be embargoed.

Add employees and manage basic information (email, locations, roles, allowances, etc)

Allows a Manager to create a new Employee at their managed location, add Personal Information to the Employee and send an Invite, and add Location, Roles and Leave allowances to that Employee.

View and edit employee salary information

Allows the Manager to view Employees’ wage/salary information in their Employee Profile. If disabled, the ‘Wage & Salary’ menu in the Employee Profile will be hidden.

Manage timesheets and view payroll reports

Allows the Manager to view other staff’s timesheets in addition to their own, and make edits/approvals to their employees’ timesheets. No wage/salary information is present on this timesheet, only hours worked.

Manage employees payroll

Allows the Manager to use the ‘Go To Payroll’ link on their staff’s timesheets, and view their payroll information for any Pay Period. Requires ‘View and edit employee salary information’ and ‘Manage timesheets and view payroll reports’ to be enabled to function correctly.

Manage roles

Allows the Manager to create/edit/delete Roles via the Company → Roles page.

View reports

Allows a Manager to use the Reports tab to view and generate reports. Only employees at Locations they manage will be included, and no cost/salary data will be visible unless ‘View and edit employee salary information’ is checked.

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