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Re-ordering employees on the rota

How to re-order employees on the rota according to Group, Default Role, or a custom order

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

In RotaCloud, the logged-in user will always show at the top of the rota. Below this, by default, employees appear in alphabetical order on the rota by first name. However, you can change this so they are grouped. To do this, go to the Rotas page and click Tools β†’ Employee Grouping.

There are several options for grouping employees on the rota:

  • No grouping (default)

  • By Default Role (as set in employee profiles on the Company β†’ Employees page)

  • By Group (as set in employee profiles on the Company β†’ Employees page)

Please note that these options apply for all users and all locations.

You can also set a completely custom order using Tools β†’ Re-order employees.

On this page, drag your employees and drop them into the order of your choice.

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