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Adding Leave for Multiple Employees

Learn how to save time by adding leave for the same date(s) to multiple employees at once.

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

RotaCloud allows you to add a Leave record to more than one employee at once. This is very useful for saving time recording public holidays, or days when multiple staff are/were on holiday.

This can be done retrospectively, or for current or future leave.

Adding leave for multiple employees

  1. Go to the Leave page.

  2. Click the blue Plus button to add new Leave.

  3. Under the Employee drop-down, select 'Add to multiple employees'.

  4. Tick the boxes for the employees you want to add leave for. You can use the search bar to find names more easily, and the 'Select All' option to choose all employees.

  5. Fill in the Type, Start Date, End Date and (optional) Message fields.

  6. Click ‘Add Leave’.

A GIF showing how to add leave to multiple employees on RotaCloud. On the Add Leave page, the 'Add to multiple employees' link is clicked, and multiple employees' checkboxes are then selected.

Clashing Shifts

When adding leave to multiple employees, if any of the selected employees have shifts on the rota at the same time as the leave, you'll see a popup window warning you of this. You can then make changes to these shifts using the following options:

Do Nothing

The shifts will remain on the rota and will be assigned to the current employee.


The shifts will be unpublished but will still be assigned to the current employee.

Move to Open Shifts

The shifts will be moved to the Open Shifts row, remaining published and immediately available for other employees to claim.

Move to Open Shifts & Unpublish

The shifts will be moved to the Open Shifts row and unpublished. From the Rotas page, you can edit, move, or publish them again.

Permanently Delete

The shifts will be deleted, and will appear in your Deleted Shifts list.

Choose your desired option, and click ‘Add Leave’ to make the changes.

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