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Tracking leave history

Find out when leave was requested, approved, denied, or deleted

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

RotaCloud keeps a detailed record of all leave activities, including requests, approvals, denials, and deletions. Whether leave is requested by an employee or added directly by an Administrator or Manager, you can easily access important information such as request dates, approval status, and personnel involved.

Leave History

To view specific instances of leave, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Leave page.

  2. Initially, you will see a summary of your entire leave year.

  3. Click on any month to expand and see all leave entries for that month.

  4. Click on an individual leave entry to view the individuals who recorded, approved, or denied it.

A GIF depicting the process of viewing Leave history, by locating it on the Leave page, and clicking on the instance.

Request History

To see a timeline of all employee leave requests, including request dates and approval dates, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Leave page.

  2. Click on 'Tools'.

  3. Select 'Request History'.

A screenshot showing the location of the Request History link, within the Tools menu on the Leave page.

The Leave Requests page will display all previous employee leave requests in chronological order, including the request dates and information about their approval or denial.

A screenshot of the Leave Requests page in RotaCloud.

You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the page to filter the request history for a specific employee.

A screenshot showing the employee filter on the Leave Request History page in RotaCloud.

Downloading your Leave history

To export your leave history information, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Leave page.

  2. Click the 'Download' icon in the top right-hand corner of the page.

A screenshot showing the location of the Request History download button, in the upper-right corner of the Leave page.

The ‘Leave Records’ export contains all Leave that’s been approved or added to the system. It includes the following details:

  • Employee name, ID, and Payroll ID

  • Start and end dates

  • Leave Type

  • Number of days an hours

  • Approval date (if applicable)

  • Name of the person who approved it (if applicable)

Additionally, the 'Request History' export contains the following details:

  • Employee name

  • Start and end dates

  • Message attached by the employee to the request

  • Date requested

  • Response, response date, and respondee name

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