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All CollectionsTime Off: RotaCloud for Admins & ManagersLeave FAQs
How do I control whose Leave Request goes to who?
How do I control whose Leave Request goes to who?

Use Manager Permissions and Locations Managed to ensure that the correct people are able to handle staff’s holiday requests

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a year ago

Both Administrators and Managers are capable of managing annual leave, and approving/denying leave requests from staff.


Administrators hold complete access to the RotaCloud account. They can add leave for all staff members, including other Admins and themselves. Also, they have the authority to approve or deny leave requests from any staff member on the account. As Administrators, they don't need to submit leave requests for themselves as they can directly add leave to the system.


Managers have specific permissions set by Administrators on their Employee Profile page. Some of these relate to leave, and the staff they manage are determined by their Managed Locations.

A GIF showing the process of setting up Manager Permissions. An employee's profile is loaded, their Account Type is set to Manager, and permissions and locations managed can then be set before clicking 'Save'.

Setting manager permissions

The two permissions that relate to leave are as follows:

1. Manage leave and approve leave requests for others

Managers with this permission can add, edit, or delete leave for their staff on RotaCloud. They'll also receive notifications for new leave requests from their staff, which they can approve or deny.

2. Manually add leave to themselves

With this permission, Managers can directly add, edit, or delete any type of leave for themselves.

If this permission is not enabled, when they attempt to add Leave to themselves, they’ll instead be prompted to make a Leave Request. Leave Requests can only be for Holiday or Other Leave. Any other Leave Types must be added by an Administrator or another Manager.

Setting managed locations

Once the appropriate permissions have been chosen, a Manager’s jurisdiction is controlled by setting their Managed Locations.

Managers will only be able to use their permissions with staff who are assigned to the Locations that they manage. It’s by using this method that you can control which Leave Requests a Manager responds to.

Example: Ella is a Manager of one Location called ‘West Haven’. She can respond to the Leave Requests of any employee who is assigned to West Haven, but not those who are assigned to the company’s second location, ‘Northbrook’.

If any employee is assigned to both ‘West Haven’ and ‘Northbrook’, then Ella will be able to respond to their Leave Requests.


Can Managers add leave for other Managers?

Yes, all staff, including Admins and other Managers, will fall under the jurisdiction of a Manager if assigned to their Managed Location(s).

Can I choose exactly which staff are managed by a Manager?

No, this is only controlled using the Managed Locations system. If you’d like to limit the number of staff that someone manages, consider setting up more locations, with fewer staff per location, then using those as Managed Locations.

Locations do not need to be used on the Rota if you don’t want to. They can be used exclusively to control Manager assignments. Staff can each be assigned to as many Locations as you want, so you’re free to add many staff to a single location for rota planning purposes, and then assign smaller individual teams to other locations to establish their Managers.

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