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How do I add custom fields?

How to add custom fields to your RotaCloud account and where they can be added

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 7 months ago

RotaCloud allows you to add custom fields to some sections of your account - this in not part of your account as default but can be enabled by our support team. If you'd like this enabled, drop them a message via live chat or at

What do custom fields do

Custom fields allow you to add additional sections to your RotaCloud account. This will simply allow a heading/name for the field and then a box to add your relevant information. This could be anything you like - for example, your custom field name could be 'Fire marshal' and then your text 'Yes'.

Custom fields are simply entered for reference in specific areas of your account - the data you enter cannot feed into any other sections such as reports. It is, however, possible to use this data for custom integrations and builds using the RotaCloud API.

To learn more about building your own custom integrations using the RotaCloud API, click here.

You can add up to 10 custom fields in each section of your account.

Where custom fields can be added

Custom fields can be added to your:

  • Locations

  • Roles

  • 'Employee Details' section of an employee's profile

How to enter a custom field

To enter a custom filed, you'll first need to reach out to our support team and request custom fields or 'Meta' is enabled on your account. You can then go to the section you need (either a specific Location, specific Role, or specific employee's 'Employee Details' section) and scroll to the bottom of the page - click 'Add custom field'.

Click the section 'Field name' and adding the heading you would like for your custom field. In the box below, add in your relevant data.

For example:

Field name - Fire marshal
​Box below - Yes

Once done, click 'Save' and this will be stored in your account - the field name you've entered will also become a dropdown option when you go to add custom fields in other sections/for other users.

How to remove a custom field

To remove a custom field, simply hover over it and you'll see a red 'X' at the end of the row. Click this and the field will be removed (this will only remove the specific field you are on and will not impact custom fields in other areas of your account.

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