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How do I edit my employees' timesheets?

How to amend clock in and out times and holiday hours on timesheets

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over a month ago

As staff clock in and out of their shifts, their timesheets will automatically populate. If you are an Admin user, or a Manager with the correct permissions, you can amend these clock in and out times as you need. You can also add hours paid to a leave entry.

For more information about which permissions a Manager needs to edit timesheets, click here.

Editing a timesheet on desktop

To edit a timesheet, click the 'Attendance' tab at the top of the page. Here, you can select the employee you need on the left and see their timesheet beside this.

(The grey rows show the shift scheduled on the rota - these can only be edited directly on the Rotas page).

You can then simply click the box you would like to edit and type in the updated times. You can do this for clock ins, clock outs, breaks, and the total Hours Paid column.

Editing timesheets on the app

To edit an employee's timesheet on the app, click the 'Timesheets' tab at the bottom of the screen. At the top of your screen, use the dropdown to select the employee you'd like to amend a record for, then scroll to find the record.

Tap on the record you'd like to add or amend, then tap 'Add record' or 'Edit record' (wording will change depending on if an existing record exists or not).

Tap on what you would like to add or amend - either 'Start', 'End', or 'Break' - and either type in the times or use the time scroller on your phone (this will look slightly different depending on your device).

Once your times are added or changed, tap 'Add record' or 'Create record' and it will be save on the employee's timesheet.

Why can't I edit a timesheet?

Pay period locked - if the pay period has been locked, no further changes can be made to that period. If you're an Admin user, you can unlock this by clicking the padlock icon in the top left - if you're a Manager, you will need to speak with an Admin and ask them to do this for you.

Permission not enabled - if you're a Manager and cannot edit any timesheets, you may not have the correct permissions enabled. If you speak with an Admin user, they can change this for you. (As a Manager, you will need to have the permission 'Manage timesheets and view payroll reports' enabled and will need to manage the relevant Location(s)).

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