If you have staff who all work from different places rather than one fixed premises, you can allow them to clock in/out of their shifts from anywhere using the RotaCloud app.
Step 1 - allowing clock ins on the app
In order for staff to clock in remotely, they will need to use the RotaCloud app. An Admin user can allow staff to clock in using the app - to do this, click the cog icon in the top right of your screen to access your account settings.
Scroll down to the 'Time and Attendance' section, and tick 'Employees can click in using their mobile device'.
Step 2 - removing GPS clocking in restrictions
Once staff can clock in with the RotaCloud app, you will need to ensure there are no clocking in restrictions on the Location their shifts are on. To remove GPS clocking in restrictions (or check of you have any set up) go to Company and then Locations.
Select the Location staff will be using for remote working and scroll down to the 'Restrict mobile clocking in / out' section. Ensure the option 'Restrict clock in to the location address, with specified range' is NOT ticked and staff will be able to clock in to shifts on that Location from anywhere*.
* IP address restrictions may also restrict clocking in. See below section 'Optional - setting up IP address restrictions'.
Optional - setting up IP address restrictions
IP address restriction means staff must be on a specific wifi connection in order to clock in. This can work with remote clocking in as you can set up as many different IP address restrictions as needed - if you would like no restrictions of any kind for remote clocking in, leave the IP address section unticked.
If you would like your staff to only be able to clock in from specific wifi connections - for example, only when connected to their home's wifi, you can learn how to set this up here.
Clocking in without shifts
If you would like staff to be able to clock in and out without any scheduled shifts on the rota, you can learn how to set this up here.
If staff are clocking in and out without scheduled shifts, the clock in/out record won't be limited by any restrictions (as these restrictions are attached to the Location and when employees clock in without a shift, it is not attached to a Location/rota).
To learn how staff clock in and out using the RotaCloud app, click here.