As you add leave to RotaCloud, this will show up on your staff's timesheets*. This will then feed through to your payroll reports.
Viewing and editing leave on timesheets on desktop
As you add or approve leave on RotaCloud, this will feed through to your employees' timesheets - to see this, go to the Attendance tab. Using the menu on the left, select the user you'd like to view the leave for, and scroll through their timesheet to find the date of their leave.
The leave will show in the relevant colour and will tell you the type of leave - you will also see if i's paid or unpaid (you can click this to change the status between paid and unpaid). On the right, if you haven't entered the daily 'Hours Paid' on the timesheet (see section below), you can manually type in the number of hours paid per day.
Alternatively, if you have more than one day of leave in the entry, you can click the three grey dots on the leave entry row and select 'Set daily hours'.
You can then enter the number of hours which will apply for each day of leave, click 'Save', and it will apply for each day.
Any days off you've entered will not have leave hours added to them and leave for these days will not be deducted from an employee's allowance.
To learn more about days off and how they interact with leave, click here.
Viewing and editing leave on timesheets on the app
On the app, you can view and edit leave via the timesheets tab at the bottom right of your screen. Tap this, then use the dropdown at the top of your screen to find the employee whose timesheet you'll like to view or amend.
Here, you will see the date(s) of the leave, the type of leave, whether it is paid or unpaid, and if there are hours assigned/how many hours are assigned.
To edit the leave, tap on it and select 'Edit'.
You will then be able to view the employee's remaining balance, and change the dates, leave type, paid status etc. by tapping on them.
To add in the 'Hours Paid' for each day of leave on the timesheet, tap 'Daily leave hours'. You can then tap on each date of the leave (if there are multiple days) and enter in the number of hours for each day. Once all days have a figure entered, tap 'Update leave' and your changes will be saved.
Feeding hours from Leave to timesheets
When you add leave to RotaCloud, you can choose to add the number of hours two different ways - you can either add a total, or, if you want the hours to automatically feed over to timesheets, you can add daily figures.
When adding or editing a leave entry, the leave box will default to 'Total leave hours'. Beside this, select 'Daily leave hours' and you can enter in the number of hours for each day of the leave entry. Click 'confirm' and the hours will feed through to the employee's timesheet.
Adding hours 'Daily' so they feed through to timesheets can also be done on the app - please see above section 'Viewing and editing leave on timesheets on the app'.
You will need to ensure all dates for the leave entry have a figure entered - if there are no hours being used on that day, you will need to enter '0'.