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Sage 50 payroll export

What steps you need to take to ensure that a Sage 50 export can be downloaded, and imported into Sage.

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Setting up

Before you can run off a Sage 50 Payroll Export, you will need to ensure that the data Sage needs is in your Employee Profiles, and other areas of your account. There are two main pieces of data that you need to make sure you have.

Payroll ID

Each employee needs to have their Payroll ID number present in their profile. This number will tell Sage 50 which employee the pay relates to, and will be found in their Sage 50 user profile.

You will need to enter the Payroll ID for each employee on the Wage & Salary page in their profile.

Pay Codes

Next, Pay Codes from Sage 50 will need to be assigned to each different rate of pay in your business. Pay Codes need to be populated into the account accurately to ensure that this process is successful. (If Pay Codes are not inputted this can lead to several error messages occurring when trying to later export payroll).

The Payroll page in your Settings menu allows you to enter Pay Codes for the standard rate of pay (hourly and salaried) as well as Overtime, and all different Leave types. We advise to input the Pay Code in this section to ensure that the Sage export is successful.

Pay Codes can be added in two other different places in the system, these are as follows:

1). They can also be added in each Role’s page, underneath the list of Employees who are assigned to that Role:

2). If any employee earns a different pay rate for a particular Role, they can be added on a per-Employee basis on each Employee’s Wage & Salary page. This is found under the Custom Role Rates header.

Note: These Custom Role Rate Pay Codes will take precedence over the Pay Codes that you enter on the Roles page. For any Role that will be using the default Pay Code, you can just leave this blank on the Employee’s profile.

The payroll report

When these two steps have been completed, then you can download a Sage 50 Payroll Export and import it into Sage 50. This is done in the same way as a typical Payroll Export report.

The standard report will create one line per employee, per Pay Code, according to what's on the Payroll page in your settings menu. This report can include overtime calculated by RotaCloud, which is based on staff exceeding their contracted hours.

The Role Breakdown report will create one line per employee, per Role Pay Code (or Custom Role Rate Pay Code), as established on the Role pages, or in each employee's user profile, respectively. This report cannot calculate overtime automatically in the same way that the standard report can.

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