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Running payroll reports

How to generate a payroll report based on your timesheets

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Once your timesheets have been filled out and approved for a pay period, you can run a payroll report. 

First, lock the timesheets by clicking the padlock icon. This prevents any further changes being made accidentally (don't worry, you can unlock this again if you need to).

Next, click 'Go to Payroll'. 

The payroll report shows a summary of each employee's hours for that pay period, and a final pay figure. 

Annual leave is summarised as paid or unpaid, but you can hover over the figures to see the breakdown of the different leave types. 

You can manually adjust the amount of overtime taken for each employee and also the final pay amount if you wish. 

The 'M' icon (see below) highlights when a pay figure has been manually adjusted. If you click this icon, you can reset the pay figure to its original calculation.

When you are happy with the pay period and the payroll figures, you can click 'Finalise Payroll'. This will lock down the figures so they are no longer editable (as with locking a timesheet, these can be un-finalised if you need to make changes).

To export the payroll report, click the download icon in the top-right section of the page. If you’re going to be importing the file into Sage 50, then you can use one of the dedicated exports, which will ensure that the formatting of the file is ideal for that software. If you’re using anything else, then you should use the normal export:

Note: Pay Codes and Payroll ID numbers must also be set up in order to use the Sage 50 export:

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