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How do I add my Availability/Unavailability?
How do I add my Availability/Unavailability?

How to add your preferences for your manager to see when you're available to work

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 6 months ago

If your employer has enabled this setting, RotaCloud will allow you to enter when you are available or not available. This can be added for a whole day, one-off specific times or for a repeating pattern. This will then show on the Rotas page so your manager can consider it when planning your shifts.

Viewing Availability on the App

To access Availability tap the three lines in the top right corner of the app to open the side menu and then tap ‘Availability’. You’ll then see a calendar of the current month and, if you have any, with a quick summary of availability or unavailability that’s already been added. You can also tap on existing availability to see more details.

Adding Availability for One Day on the App

To set your availability for a single day, tap the three lines in the top right corner of the app and go to the 'Availability' section. When you see the calendar, tap on the day you'd like to add your Availability or Unavailability to, then tap the blue plus icon beneath the calendar, and choose ‘This day only’.

You’ll then be presented with the ‘Create availability’ screen. Choose whether you want to add Availability or Unavailability. If you’d like to add ‘All day’ tick this option or tap on the dashes beside the clock icons to enter the specific start and end times.

If you have more than one period you’d like to add, use the grey plus icon to add another period below.

When you’ve entered all of the times that you need, tap ‘Create one-off’ to add it.

Adding a Repeating Availability Pattern on the App

If you have a recurring pattern of when you are free/busy, you can create a repeating Availability pattern. To do this tap the three lines in the top right corner of the app and go to the 'My availability' section.

To add a new pattern, tap on the date you’d like the pattern to start on the calendar. Tap the blue plus below the calendar on the right, and then tap ‘New repeating pattern’.

The start date of the new pattern will match the date that was selected on the calendar, but you can change this if you like. Set the start and end dates, and the availability that you set below will apply between these days.

Next, choose what length of repeating pattern you want to create. This can be one, two or four weeks. The pattern you set below will loop for as long as is necessary, until the end date.

Tap each day to set up availability or unavailability for that day. You can either set it for the whole day, or specific times of each day.

You can move to the next days by tapping a day’s name. Days that have nothing set will have no icon under the day’s name. Those with unavailability will have a red cross, and those with availability will have a green tick.

Once you’ve entered your pattern, scroll down and tap ‘Create pattern’ at the bottom of the page. You’ll be returned to the availability calendar, and can see the new pattern that you’ve created immediately.

Note: Repeating patterns will overwrite any availability that is already on your calendar.

Editing and Deleting Availability on the App

To edit any availability you’ve set, tap the three lines in the top right corner of the app and go to the 'My availability' section. To edit a day, tap it on the calendar then tap the three dots beside it (below the calendar). Select ‘Edit this day’ and you’ll see the existing availability for that day. You can make whatever changes you need to make and tap 'Update' or, to delete the entry completely, tap 'Clear day'.

On a Desktop

When you select the Availability tab, you’ll be presented with a calendar where you can set your availability or unavailability. You can use the arrow icons to change months at the top of the page, or click on the month’s name to quickly select a different month.

Adding Availability for One Day

To mark a single day, click on that day on the calendar. The ‘Create Availability’ menu will pop up. Here, you can choose to set whether you’re available or unavailable.

By default, ‘All day’ will be selected, but if you need to enter a specific time, you can unselect this option to be shown an option to enter a start and end time. If you have multiple periods in the same day, use the + icon to add another set of times.

A screenshot of the process of creating an instance of Availability, showing multiple time periods in the same day.

You can also quickly mark a whole day as available/unavailable from the calendar, using the shortcut menu in the top-right corner of each date.

A screenshot of the all-day shortcuts found on an employee's Availability calendar on the Desktop version of RotaCloud.

Note: You are unable to add both availability and unavailability to the same date on the calendar.

Adding a Repeating Availability Pattern

You can also create patterns to quickly mark multiple dates. To get started, go to the Availability tab and click the ‘Create repeating pattern’ button above the calendar.

You’ll then be taken to the ‘Repeating Pattern’ screen. First, set the start and end dates for your pattern, then choose how frequently you'd like your pattern to repeat - it will loop until the end date that you set. For example, if you create a 2-week pattern and set your start and end dates 8 weeks apart, then the pattern will repeat 4 times.

Next, mark your availability by clicking on a day in the pattern - you can choose if you're available or unavailable. It will default to 'All day' but you can untick this option and enter exact times if you like. Repeat this for each day you need and click 'Create pattern'.

Note: Repeating patterns will overwrite any availability that is already on your calendar.

Viewing Availability

There are two sections on a desktop where you can view your Availability. If you head to the Availability tab, you will see a calendar with your available/unavailable days and times on it. Alternatively, you can go to the Rotas tab to view your Availability. If it's not currently showing, you can enable it by going to Tools > Show Availability (and disable again in Tools > Hide Availability).

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