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Annual leave and payroll

Using the Time & Attendance package to manage leave on timesheets, any pay staff correctly for their leave

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Annual leave that’s been added to RotaCloud will automatically feed through onto staff’s timesheets on the Attendance page. Alongside their scheduled shifts, and actual clocking in/out times, instances of Leave will show with the Leave Type, and whether it’s paid or unpaid, clearly labelled.

A screenshot of an employee's Attendance page, with Authorised Absence showing as a Leave Type.

In order for staff to be paid accurately, certain information must be entered into the timesheets to ensure they’re complete. The information required is different for hourly-paid and for salaried employees.

Hourly-paid staff

In order for staff with an hourly wage to be paid accurately, RotaCloud needs to know how many hours per day of the leave that the employee is being paid. This can be done at the point of adding the Leave to RotaCloud, but if it hasn’t been done in advance it is required before processing payroll and can be done directly on the Attendance page.

Any days on an employee’s timesheet that are missing Daily Hours will be marked with a warning icon.

Adding daily hours to leave

You can assign hours to each day by clicking in the Hours Paid column, and typing in a figure for that day. If you have any days for which the employee is not being paid for the leave, enter a ‘0’ in this field.

A GIF showing how to add Leave Hours to a timesheet by typing in the Hours Paid column.

Note: Days on which an employee is not being paid will require a ‘0’ in the ‘Hours Paid’ field. This field should not be left blank.

For long instances of leave, you can make use of the ‘Set Daily Hours’ tool to save yourself time adding the same figure for multiple days. Click the three dots to the right of the timesheet entry to open the Timesheet menu, and click ‘Set Daily Hours’. You’ll be asked to enter a figure to apply to all working days for the instance of Leave.

A GIF showing 'Set Daily Hours' being used to bulk-add hours to an employee's timesheet.

Note: When using this method, any non-working days during the leave will have their hours set to ‘0’.

Different pay rates for different types of leave

By default, the system will pay staff their standard hourly rate for any paid leave. However, you can set up each employee with different pay rates for each Leave Type in their employee profile.

To configure these, head to the Employees page by clicking ‘Company’ and then ‘Employees’. Open an employee’s profile by clicking on their name, and then head to their ‘Wage & Salary’ page.

At the bottom of the Wage & Salary page, you’ll see a list of Leave Rates. Here, you can enter a unique hourly rate for each Leave Type, or leave any blank that pays staff at their Default Wage.

Salaried staff

In the case of an employee with an annual salary, paid leave does not have an effect on their Total Pay figure at the end of the pay period. For this reason, it’s not necessary to add Daily Hours to each day of paid leave on their timesheet. However, you’re still able to do this if you want to record the hours of leave taken for any reason.

Unpaid leave for salaried employees

With a salaried employee, however, unpaid leave of any kind will result in a deduction from the employee's Total Pay. There are two ways in which RotaCloud can calculate the deduction;

Automatic deduction

By default, RotaCloud will automatically calculate the reduction in pay for unpaid leave. This is done by taking the employee’s salary for the entire pay period, and dividing it by the number of working days in the period to obtain a daily figure for pay.

The employee’s Total Pay is then reduced by this daily figure for each day of unpaid leave in the pay period.

Note: In the above example, a ‘working day’ is any day that has not been marked as a Non-Working Day in RotaCloud. For this feature to work correctly, the correct Non-Working Days for the employee must be set up in the system.

Manual deduction

Alternatively, you’re able to manually specify a daily amount to reduce the employee’s pay. A different rate can be set for each Leave Type.

To configure these, head to the Employees page by clicking ‘Company’ and then ‘Employees’. Open an employee’s profile by clicking on their name, and then head to their ‘Wage & Salary’ page.

At the bottom of the Wage & Salary page of a salaried employee, you’ll see a list of ‘Leave Deduction Rates’. Here, you can enter a unique daily rate for each Leave Type, or leave any blank that pays staff at their automatically-calculated daily rate.

A screenshot of the Leave Deduction Rates section of a salaried employee's Wage & Salary page, found in their employee profile.
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