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Using RotaCloud
Viewing and requesting your Time Off in Lieu
Viewing and requesting your Time Off in Lieu

A guide on how to view and use your accrued TOIL as an employee

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Note: Time Off in Lieu is an optional feature, which may have been disabled by your account administrator.

Your Time Off in Lieu page


To access your Time Off in Lieu summary page on the web, click the ‘Leave’ button at the top of the RotaCloud system, and then select ‘Time Off in Lieu’. Here, you’ll find a log of all TOIL that you have accrued this year, what’s been used, and what’s remaining. When you accrue TOIL, this page is added to by your Manager, or the account’s Administrator.

A screenshot of an employee's TOIL page, viewed on the RotaCloud desktop website.

You’ll find the current Holiday Year dates at the top of the page. You can click on the left and right arrows to move back and forth between your leave years.

Below this, you’ll see your current balances for TOIL accrued, used, and remaining in the leave year that you’re currently viewing. The main section below consists of two pages; one listing all of your Accrued TOIL in more detail, and another for all Used TOIL.

Note: You can also access this page by clicking on your ‘TOIL remaining’ allowance on your Leave page.


In the RotaCloud mobile app, you can view your TOIL balance alongside your holiday balance on your Leave page. Tap the Leave icon in the navigation bar to be taken there.

All employees' annual leave allowance shows to the left, with their TOIL balance to the right. Both balances are colour-coded in the same way depending on the remaining amount of leave.

Your two balances will be shown at the top of the page, and below you can view all of the leave that you've taken, any pending leave requests, and a full list of all TOIL that you've accrued.

Taking leave as TOIL

When the time comes to take back your accrued TOIL as Leave, this is done in the same way as taking Holiday.

TOIL Leave can be added on your behalf by your Manager or Administrator, however if your company has allowed you to make Leave Requests using RotaCloud, then you’re able to use the same system to request TOIL Leave, too.

When doing this, ensure you set the Leave Type to ‘TOIL’ when making your leave request, either on the website, or using the mobile app.

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