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What do the warning symbols on timesheets mean?

What each warning symbol on timesheets means and does

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 5 months ago

If you are an Admin or Manager and have the ability to edit timesheets, you may see various warning symbols or different colours on your staff's records.

Names list

On the left of your Attendance page, you will see a list of all staff whose timesheets you manage.

Grey number - this shows how many records require approval. To learn about approving timesheets, click here.

Grey plus - this there are more than nine records require approval.

Orange number - this shows how many records are missing attendance records (missing clock in/out times) or there is leave with no 'Hours Paid' added. To learn about adding or amending timesheet records, click here.

Orange number - this shows there are more than nine records missing an attendance records (missing clock in/out times) or there is leave with no 'Hours Paid' added.

Green tick - all records have been added and approved, and no further action is required.

Blank circle - user has no expected entries for that pay period (no shifts or leave).

Clock in and out times

As staff clock in/out, you may see warning triangles on their timesheet, lateness flagging up, and different colours on clock in/out rows.

Orange triangle beside the date - this highlights a record that needs attention. This can be for a number of reasons such as no clock in/out record exists, the shift requires approval, or hours need adding to a leave entry.

If an employee has a clock in record but the arrow says they don't, you should check that the clock in/out time has been linked to the shift (if not linked, it will show as 'No Role' and 'No Location', and may need to be deleted and manually re-added).

Red triangle beside times - this flags up when an employee has clocked in or out late or early. You can control after how much time you would like these to flag up in your account settings (cog icon) under 'Flag In / Out Discrepancies on Timesheet'.

Minutes Late - this shows how many minutes late staff have been on their clock in. This will then feed through to your lateness report. You can control after how much time you would like these to flag up in your account settings (cog icon) under 'Minutes Until Lateness Added Automatically'.

Yellow row - this shows the timesheet entry has not been approved.

Hours Paid column

The 'Hours Paid' column indicates how many hours the employee will be paid for each shift and as a total for the pay period. This will show as decimal rather than in hours and minutes - for example, one hour and 30 minutes will show as 1.50 hours.

Green M - an Admin or Manager can alter the number of hours a user is to be paid for a shift. A green 'M' shows a manual change has been made to the number of hours paid. To revert back to the number of hours paid as calculated by RotaCloud, click the 'M' icon.

You can choose if you would like staff to be paid for early clock ins and late clock outs in your account settings (cog icon) under 'Early clock ins paid' and 'Late clock outs paid'.

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