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How does the Sage 50 payroll report work?

How to download the Sage 50 payroll export and what information it gives you

Sophie Wilson avatar
Written by Sophie Wilson
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Sage is a payroll software (independent of RotaCloud) which allows you, among other things, to process your payroll and payslips. With our Time and Attendance package, you can run a Sage 50 report which is compatible for direct import into Sage.

Please be aware, you will need to have a separate Sage account in order to use this.

Setting up Sage 50

The Sage 50 report requires some setting up in a few areas of your RotaCloud account before it will pull through the data that you need.

To read our full setup guide on this, click here.

Downloading your Sage 50 report

To download your Sage report, go to Attendance and select 'Go to payroll' at the top of the page.

Using the downwards arrow in the top right of your screen, select which Sage report you'd like to down - Sage 50 or Sage 50 (Role Breakdown).

Understanding your Sage 50 report

The Sage reports pulls payroll data from your employee's timesheets. Unlike other payroll reports - this doesn't state employee names, role names, leave types etc..

Instead of names, you will see IDs, hours, and pay codes - pay codes are entered by yourself in various sections of your account. They will need to match the codes you have entered in Sage, and correspond to standard hours, roles, leave etc..

For example, your Sage 50 payroll export may show:

Employee reference

Payment reference


Unpaid Hours






This shows that my employee with the Payroll ID '101' has worked '89.00' hours at ยฃ15 per hours. In my settings, I have entered '17' as my code for 'Standard hours' so, when I import the report into Sage, the 89.00 hours are and going towards this employee's standard, contracted hours (rather than overtime, leave etc.).

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