RotaCloud's Sage 50 payroll report allows you to download a CSV file which is compatible for direct import into Sage. Before you can use this, you will need to follow some setup steps in various areas of your account to pull the correct data.
This report is only compatible with Sage - a separate Sage account is needed.
Setting up
In order to run your Sage 50 Payroll Export, you will need to ensure that the pay codes in your Sage account match the pay codes in your RotaCloud account. This in your Employee Profiles, and other areas of your account. There are two key sections you'll need to set up before you can use Sage - Payroll IDs for each employee and the Payroll section of your settings.
Payroll ID
To set up each employee's payroll ID, go to the Company tab and select Employees. Select the employee you'd like to add an ID for and, in the menu to the left of their profile, select 'Wage and Salary'.
At the top of their profile, enter their Payroll ID (to match Sage - in Sage, this is referred to as their 'Employee reference').
Payroll (Settings page)
To set up pay codes, you'll need to go to your account settings via the cog icon in the top right corner. From the menu on the left, select 'Payroll' and enter your pay codes for each section shown - these should match what you have entered in Sage as your 'Pay elements'.
Adding further Role pay codes (optional)
To see your payroll data also broken down by Roles (when using the 'Sage 50 Payrol Export (Role Breakdown)' report), you can also enter pay codes on each Role.
To do this, go to your Company tab and select 'Roles'. Select a Role you'd like to add a pay code to and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Enter the Role's pay code (to match what is entered in Sage) and click 'Save'. You'll need to do this for each Role which has a specific pay code.
If you have who also earn different rates of pay for working different Roles, you can add a pay code to each Role in an employee's profile.
To do this, go to the Company tab and select 'Employees'. Select a user you'd like to set this up for and, from the menu on the left, select 'Wage and Salary'. Scroll down to the 'Custom Role Rates' section - here, you can enter the pay code beside specific Roles the employee works.
Once done, click 'Save' at the bottom of the page. (You will need to repeat this process for each user you have custom pay codes for).
To learn about how to run your Sage reports and understanding the information it gives, click here.