RotaCloud's leave management system allows staff to make Holiday and Other Leave requests which can then be approved by an Admin or Manager level user.
Admins can approve leave requests from all staff.
To learn how to set up a Manager to approve leave, click here.
Enabling leave requests
Before staff can make leave requests, an Admin user will first need to ensure the setting allowing staff to request leave is enabled.
To do this, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen. You can then scroll down to the Leave section and tick the option 'Employees can make leave requests'.
This change will then automatically save and staff will be able to submit requests for Holiday and Other Leave.
Holiday vs Other Leave
Once you have enabled staff to make leave requests, they will be able to request both Holiday and Other Leave. These are requested in the same way but, if approved, behave slightly differently.
Holiday - this is the leave type staff typically request most often. If approved, this will deduct from the employee's holiday allowance*
Other Leave - this leave type doesn't have an allowance or limit of how much can be requested. If approved, the employee's holiday allowance will remain the same.
*Holidays which are on non-working days will not be deducted from an employee's leave allowance.
To learn how to set up your employees' non-working days, click here.
Responding to leave requests on desktop
All pending leave requests will show via the bell icon in the top right corner of your screen along with other requests such as shift swaps - simply click it to expand the list.
You can also see a full list of all pending leave requests at the top of your Leave page - along with a breakdown of each employees' total allowance, used, and remaining figures.
You can either click the leave request you'd like from the bell icon or click 'Review' on the leave page to see the leave modal pop-up. This will show you the details of the leave including the employee, leave type requested, requested dates, and optional message to you.
You can then select either 'Approve' or 'Deny', add the number of hours you'd like to assign to the leave (if approved), and add an optional message to the employee.
If the leave has been approved and clashes with shifts on the rota, you will be notified of this and asked what you would like to do with the shifts. Simply select the action you'd like from the dropdown and click 'Approve'.
For more information about actioning shifts that clash with leave, click here.
Responding to leave requests on the app
To view pending leave requests on the app, you can tap the 'Pending requests' section on the Dashboard tab.
You'll then be shown a list of all pending requests (leave, swaps etc.). This can be filter at the top of your page to see a specific type of request. When you find the leave entry you'd like to action, tap on it to see the full request details.
You can then select either 'Approve' or 'Deny', add the number of hours you'd like to assign to the leave (if approved), and add an optional message to the employee.
If the leave has been approved and clashes with shifts on the rota, you will be notified of this and asked what you would like to do with the shifts. Simply select the action you'd like from the dropdown and click 'Confirm'.
Leave request notifications
When leave requests are made, they will always appear as pending notifications on desktop and the app. In addition to this, you can also enable notifications via email, desktop, push (app notifications), and SMS*
To enable these, click the cog icon in the top right corner of your screen to access your account settings then, from the menu on the left, select 'Notifications'. Beside 'Leave requests', tick if/how you would like to be notified of any leave requests.
*SMS notifications are an add-on. To learn more about the cost for this, please visit your Billing page.
To learn how to manually add leave for your staff, click here.