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Your Leave page

An overview of the Leave page on RotaCloud, which lets you add and manage leave requests as well as providing an overview of the Leave Year.

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago


The Leave page on RotaCloud's website provides an overview of all your staff's leave and allows you to add or edit leave requests. Additionally, it offers tools for exporting your data and managing holiday requests. To access the Leave page, click on 'Leave' at the top of the RotaCloud system.

Leave year selection

Upon accessing the Leave page, the current Leave Year will be displayed initially. You can change the leave year by using the arrows located on either side of the dates at the top of the page.

A close-up of the year selector found on the Leave page of RotaCloud.

Staff leave overview

The left-hand side of the page displays staff names. Next to each name, you will find their full annual holiday allowance, the amount of leave taken, and the remaining balance. The remaining balance is colour-coded to indicate the percentage of their total leave that has already been booked.

An image of various employees' holiday balances, some are measured in days, and others in hours.

Editing staff allowances

Click on an employee’s annual allowance to edit it. You can edit their allowance for all Leave Years, or the current year only.

To the right of the page is a calendar of the full leave year. Each month is shown in a column, with a number corresponding to the number of days leave that each employee has in that month.

Clicking on the number in any month expands it, revealing all leave instances for all staff members. The leave instances are colour-coded based on the Leave Type. Here, you can get an overview of the duration of each leave instance and see if any overlaps occur. Hovering your mouse over any instance provides additional information, including the Leave Type, dates, number of working days, and hours.

Adding Leave

To add Leave, click the blue plus icon at the top of the page. You’ll be taken to the Add Leave form where you can enter the employee name(s), dates, and details of the leave.

Editing/Deleting Leave

Clicking on a leave instance reveals more information, such as the person who added or approved it. From this view, you can edit or delete any leave instance.

The Tools menu

This menu provides various useful tools for managing leave on your account, and simplifying leave request management. To access it, click on 'Tools' at the top of the Leave page.

Importing & exporting

You can export leave data from your system in CSV format for use in other software. To do so, click the Download button located in the upper-right corner of the page.

A close-up of the Download button found in the upper-right corner of the Leave page in RotaCloud. To its left is the Import button.

Similarly, if you need to add several instances of leave at once, you can import leave data in the same CSV format.

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