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Getting started with Time & Attendance

A guide to setting up Time & Attendance in RotaCloud

James Denham avatar
Written by James Denham
Updated over a week ago

Enabling Time & Attendance

If you're interested in taking a trial of the Time & Attendance add on, simply click 'Attendance' at the top of the RotaCloud system. If you haven't already trialled the package, you'll then be invited to activate your trial.

A screenshot of the Time & Attendance trial activation page in RotaCloud.

Setting up

Once you've activated the Time & Attendance feature in your RotaCloud account, you'll be asked to set up your pay period. RotaCloud supports many patterns of pay periods, and will use this pattern to automatically generate new timesheets that fall into the correct dates.

A screenshot of the Time & Attendance Setup window in RotaCloud. The option for Pay Frequency has been selected as Weekly, and the final day of the current pay period has been set to Friday.

Once you've set your pay period, you can select how you would like your employees to clock in and manage their timesheets. It's here that you can enable optional features, such as smartphone clocking in, or allowing employees to manually edit their timesheets. Simply click on the 'Enabled/Disabled' button to toggle the options.

A screenshot of the Timesheets & Clocking In settings page, during the setup of the Time & Attendance package. Here, Mobile clocking in and Terminals have been enabled, and Manual Timesheet Entry has been disabled.

These, and further Time & Attendance settings can be amended at any in the Settings page.

Following this setup, your first timesheets will load, and you can begin using the Time & Attendance package!

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